Tampico Times

Monday, January 24, 2005

Holiday Photos

Okay...here are a few holiday photos. Better late than never right? Troy gave me a digital camera for Christmas, a Fuji Finepix and it's way cool. On Christmas I just had the small memory card that came with the camera so we didn't get too many photos. Now I have the 256, which is I think the largest you can get. Now if I can just get around to reading the manual and figuring out all the nifty features.

Me munching on some Christmas goodies

My sister Sherri with a sleeping baby Cooper (her grandson)

My uncle Ken with his son Victor and Cassidie's son Cooper (far right). Cooper really caught on to how to open those Christmas presents, though sometimes he'd reather chew on toys than play with them. Here Victor is sharing his new train set and apparently does not mind. He must be sympathetic since he's teething too. :)

Thanksgiving Day at the Sims house: Troy with his brother Tony, and parents Doris and Paul (Ron)

Monday, January 10, 2005

Tsunami Relief

Many people have wondered what they can do to assist the victims of the Tsunami in south-east Asia. Well, the United Methodist Church has an organization that is working to help these victims. This organization is known as UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief), and they are currently taking donations online at:

If you'd like to make a donation that you feel confidant will make it to the victims, I highly recommend this organization. Thank you, in advance, for helping the victims!