Tampico Times

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Life of Pi

Today was the first meeting of the new book club. Our first selection was a good one - Life of Pi by Yann Martel. The book starts by describing the childhood of the main character, Pi, who lived in India. He is a very spiritual person, even as a child. He learns about and follows the teachings of Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. When he accidentally runs into the local leaders of all three religions it is quite comical how they fight over Pi.

Once his family decides to emigrate to Canada, the book becomes a real page turner. I really enjoyed interpreting the stories, especially the many layers of symbolism. The psycological aspects, namely the symbolism of the tiger, reminded me of the concept of the "shadow side" as described by Carl Jung. It was interesting to discuss the book in the group, to hear different reactions and interpretations.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

Birthday Celebration

It was a birthday to remember for our good friend Mary Louise! There were many friends and family to wish her well at the party in Lewisville today. The biggest question on our minds before we got there was if Mary Louise made her own birthday cake. This might sound odd, but she is famous for her cakes. (She and Jan made our wedding cakes.) And lucky for all of us, she did. Her and Cora made a delicious chocolate with peanut butter icing and a white cake. I went for the chocolate! It was great to see so many of our friends at the party, too.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Well, my web designs session went on into the wee hours of Friday evening/Saturday morning. Though the Partridge Family didn't last long...there's only 2 good songs on the whole CD. Big surprise, there. So I quickly went on to my other favorite CDs and have somehow managed to go through most of my collection over this weekend. The only alternatives now are to either a) delve into Troy's Elvis collection or b) shop for new CDs. Hmmm...which shall I choose.

Speaking of CD shopping, my favorite place online to get CD's is Marie's Ebay store. Marie has been selling CDs for years on ebay, and in fact is one of the most popular sellers on all of ebay. We've bought dozens of CD's there. You can get some really good deals, too. Marie's CDs

So now after all these hours of music and working, I've finished the redesign on my diet website. I like this design a lot better, it's much more colorful. Plus I reworked a lot of the pages to be more user friendly (that was the intention anyway.) South Beach Diet Success